Posted by: JDM..... | June 22, 2018

Truth or Sandwiches…

in the Nation of the Free……

One of the most disturbing aspects of recent events (which could mean the past week, month, year, or millennium) is that truth and accuracy regarding those occurrences are seemingly beyond the scope of both science and language to measure or describe. I can’t even decide whether the media is a victim or a co-perpetrator in this state of affairs; perhaps both.

I was thinking about this while watching the evening news and the latest take on the “Children at the Border” drama. For all I know, the kids are all at Disney World, ““Party X” ate them, there never were any kids in the first place, or some other scenario I just can’t think of at the moment. In any event, pointing fingers of blame and accusations fill the air like mosquitoes in a swamp on July 4th. Meanwhile, in whatever time is left for other news, all alleged journalistic sources read from the same book of “Mother Goose to ramble on in faux horror about who was accused on any particular day of diddling whom (or inappropriately looking like they were thinking about it), and who just quit their jobs out of crushing guilt because they smiled (“leered”) at certain fellow employees at the copy machine, or something like that. Who doesn’t love a stampede?

I prefer to consider many “news” sources and to compare before deciding where truth might lie (no pun intended), or moving on to have a sandwich or mow the lawn. I suspect the self-anointed watchdogs of ethics and morality, and the publically tarred and feathered scapegoats of everything are actually disguised as each other. In other words, if you want to know who the real bad guy probably is, see who is screaming the loudest. Accordingly, the most likely good guys would be the silent or the pilloried.

Digging around for other tidbits to hang on my decision tree, I came across a couple of articles pointing out that what isn’t being talked about, should be. Both the Cato Institute and the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity have mentioned that nobody is talking about why efforts to pass Immigration Reform legislation have been unsuccessful. On the surface and at face value, this circumstance is obviously unconscionable. Back in the shadows lurk the attachments to these bills that seem to have some relationship to the “Nay” votes (damn their souls). Apparently, any Immigration Reform packages so far have doggedly hung on to little sub-sections authorizing expansion of things like E-Verify and Real ID, the federal schemes to continue expanding their data bases on every man, woman, undecided, child, dog, cat, and their associated fleas residing in the Nation of the Free.

I remember Freedom. It was fun.

I think I’ll have a sandwich and then go mow the lawn.


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